Register your Team
Before commencing the process of registering your team, please ensure you know the following:
- The number of the project that the team is under. This will be in the format N-YYYY-YY where N is the number and Y is the financial year. For example, 67-2019-20.
- Your club’s Rotary District (a four digit number).
- Your club President’s name and email address.
- A name for your team. For example, ‘Rotary volunteers to Timor-Leste Water & Sanitation Project’.
- Your anticipated departure date from Australia.
- The number of days away you’ll be spending on the project.
- An estimate of your travel costs, including fares, accommodation, food, etc.
You must advise your club president of the new team before commencing the registration process.
Submission of Application Timeline
The Volunteer Team on-line application form and uploads must be completed by every Volunteer on the Team and submitted for evaluation and approval not less than two weeks before date of departure.
As a result of COVID the Rotary National Insurers, requested RAWCS to review all their Volunteer Team policy and procedures relating to volunteer travel. These changes were implemented into RAWCS volunteer policy documents in May 2022 and are available on the RAWCS website.
One of the changes implemented was that upon Registration of the Team (receiving a designated RAWCS Volunteer reference number), the completed on-line application and supporting documentation from each member of the Volunteer Team must be fully submitted for evaluation and approval
not less than two weeks before the date of departure.
This allows RAWCS Volunteer Supervisors sufficient time to process and submit to the Rotary National Insurers for each individual volunteer to receive the insurance cover.
Registration Process
Team registration involves the following steps:
- Complete the online registration form by clicking on the ‘Register your Team’ button below.
- Sit back and wait while the approval process progresses. This may take a day or two, mostly waiting for humans to check their emails, look at your registration, and then approve it.
- Once the process is done, your new team is registered!
- You will receive an email advising you that the team is registered. This email includes the team number and details on accessing your team’s details through the RAWCS Volunteers website.
- You log in to the RAWCS Volunteers website at https://volunteers.rawcs.com.au using the credentials included in the email at step 3.
- You add each of your team members using the ‘Add Member’ button (NB: make sure you get their email address correct).
- You enter additional details of your travel.
Ready to Register?
Before you start please read How to register and complete a Volunteer Team application
Are you ready to register. Click the button below to kick the process off: